Reading records 4
Title: Goosebumps, Deep trouble
Author: R.L. Stine
Page: 1-33
Date: November 30 TH.
Vocabulary:spluttering= Bafouillage
Flippers= Palmes
Fin= Nageoire
Lagoon= Lagune
Neither= ni ( pas même, not either )
Porthole= Hublot
Reef= Récif
Mermaid= Sirène
Summary: Billy an his sister, visit there scientist uncle, named Dr. Deep. They pass there summer vacation on a little island in the caribbean. There uncle said one rule: do not go close of the coral. But of course Billy do not listen an went close the coral, some thin dark and big emerge from the deep. This was a special sea creature, it has tentacles and sharp teeth. Why the monster attack him. What is going on! Is the question. Is Billy will found what is it ?